Lisa Donnelly, Director
Lisa took over as Director of Arlington Storm in July 2023, following serving as Storm's Head Administrator for several years. Lisa has been part of the Storm program as a parent with one or both of her boys playing on teams each of the past 7 years, often serving as the Team Admin. Lisa has a strong background in athletic development as a former D1 athlete at Virginia Tech, a former lacrosse coach at Ohio University, and the current owner of Falls Church Athletics. Few, if any, have had more institutional knowledge or experience of the entire Arlington Storm Program. Lisa also serves on the Board of Directors for Arlington Babe Ruth.
Aaron Peters, Assistant Director
Aaron joins Lisa as the Assistant Director of Arlington Storm with a focus on baseball operations, player and coach development, and all things finance. Aaron has been an Arlington Babe Ruth rec team head coach since 2019, and has served as a coach on both Storm Black and Red teams over the past two years. Aaron has a passion for youth sports, especially baseball, and can often be found on Arlington fields, running free ABR clinics or just putting together games of pickup baseball. Aaron is currently the Vice President of the Board of Directors for Arlington Babe Ruth and continues to serve as the Commissioner for ABR's Double AA league.
Lisa Donnelly, Director
Lisa took over as Director of Arlington Storm in July 2023, following serving as Storm's Head Administrator for several years. Lisa has been part of the Storm program as a parent with one or both of her boys playing on teams each of the past 7 years, often serving as the Team Admin. Lisa has a strong background in athletic development as a former D1 athlete at Virginia Tech, a former lacrosse coach at Ohio University, and the current owner of Falls Church Athletics. Few, if any, have had more institutional knowledge or experience of the entire Arlington Storm Program. Lisa also serves on the Board of Directors for Arlington Babe Ruth.
Aaron Peters, Assistant Director
Aaron joins Lisa as the Assistant Director of Arlington Storm with a focus on baseball operations, player and coach development, and all things finance. Aaron has been an Arlington Babe Ruth rec team head coach since 2019, and has served as a coach on both Storm Black and Red teams over the past two years. Aaron has a passion for youth sports, especially baseball, and can often be found on Arlington fields, running free ABR clinics or just putting together games of pickup baseball. Aaron is currently the Vice President of the Board of Directors for Arlington Babe Ruth and continues to serve as the Commissioner for ABR's Double AA league.
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